When you think of UPS, what comes to mind? Christmas packages? Pullman Brown? How about small business support services? Kelsey Lindsey is a Startup Ladies Support Service member and representative of shipping company UPS. Through her work with the Small Business marketing team, she connects entrepreneurs with UPS services to help them grow their businesses. Read on to learn how UPS could provide you with these valuable resources, including customer generation partnerships and credit lines up to $250,000.
More about Kelsey and UPS:

1. Tell us about you and your role at UPS.
I have been immersed in the shipping business my whole life – growing up in a household where both parents worked for UPS, it was only natural that my first job was working as a package handler for the same company, paying for my Marketing degree at University of Louisville. After school I was ready to try a career with a different company out west but two years later I found myself connecting back with former colleagues and took a position with the Small Business Marketing team in Indianapolis. As an analyst for the Small Business Marketing team, I implement strategies set by identifying market trends, customer needs, and competitive solutions. This allows me to position different resources of the organization whether it be multi-channel marketplace selling, prototype development or leveraging demand generation partners.
2. How does UPS work with startups?
UPS traditionally works under a revenue-based engagement model which incentivizes resources to pursue and retain opportunities within an assigned segment. Technology has changed the way customers are born and disruptions occur every day that continue to challenge business models. This traditional model does not work when engaging with the startup community.
Across the country, UPS engages with Accelerators, Co-Working Spaces, Crowdfunding sites and start up entrepreneurial groups like The Startup Ladies. These relationships provide us the opportunity to improve our knowledge in this area and improve collaboration to help direct entrepreneurs down the correct path for commercial insights relating to logistics.
3. What is a service that UPS provides that can help a startup that most people don't know about?
Entrepreneurs embrace innovation and generate big ideas. UPS does more than move packages – we have services, products, and alliances that give startups the time and money to build and grow. Some of those services include 3D printing, credit lines up to $250,000, integrated marketplace shipping (Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and more), and new customer generation partnerships that promote your content (Listrak, NetElixir, ShopSocially).
4. Tell us about a startup that UPS helped to grow their business.
UPS maintained a close relationship with a startup manufacturer & retailer of high-tech specialty putters. In 2017, the startup’s aggressive growth model was at risk when they were not able to receive adequate financing from any of their local or regional banks due to their size. Insufficient capital is the #2 reason small businesses fail.
UPS saw the opportunity to leverage Kabbage, a small business financing program offered through UPS Capital. Kabbage allows qualified businesses short-term loans of up to $250K. The qualification criteria is less strenuous than typical lending platforms, as it incorporates nontraditional metrics, such as a company’s Twitter or Facebook followers to approve lines of credit. Introducing this UPS partnership allowed the startup to immediately acquire the increased inventory they needed to fulfill the growing number of orders coming in.
5. If a company needs to ship products to customers, how do founders go about establishing a relationship with someone at UPS?
As a support service member, I hope to engage and connect with other members of the group and learn if there is any potential of UPS assisting. Whether it’s general shipping questions or something solution specific that initial conversation can begin with myself. Feel free to reach out – my email is kelseylindsey@ups.com.
6. There are several global shipping companies - what's the UPS advantage?
UPS delivers to over 220 countries and territories around the world with infrastructure and resources that enables a small businesses to reach new markets quickly, efficiently, and successfully. Whether you are new to international trade, or expanding market reach, you can rely on us to support your success. We are one of the world's largest customs brokerage and logistics consultants, with an immense scope of transportation services, warehousing facilities, and international trade technology. All of which allows you to better succeed in today's global marketplace.
7. How do you negotiate shipping prices? What shipping prices are available for startups?
Startup companies can receive up to a 28% discounted shipping rate when creating a UPS account. For more information, please visit www.ups.com/startups.
8. How is UPS growing over the next 5 years?
UPS is in the midst of a multi-year capital investment program to construct and renovate facilities, acquire new aircraft and ground fleet vehicles, and enhance information technology platforms. In 2018, the company is investing approximately $7 billion in this program. This will provide the network with more efficient delivery routes that save money and reduce emissions while advancing such leading-edge tools as 3-D printing, drones and robotics.
9. Why does UPS think it's so important to support women entrepreneurs?
Supporting entrepreneurial women in business just makes sense. Not only do women owned companies tend to pay higher wages, serve on boards and donate, it’s evident that –through organizations like Startup Ladies –women want to open doors for other women. It’s important for UPS to support groups like The Startup Ladies so we can continue to watch ideas evolve into final products created by strong women.
10. How have The Startup Ladies helped UPS?
The startup community thrives on the sharing of journeys and networking between each other. Being a part of the Startup Ladies allows UPS to keep a pulse on the startup community. Hearing the risks, challenges and success stories that entrepreneurs experience through events like study hall sessions allow UPS to remain present while acting as an available resource for members.
Connect: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelsey-lindsey-b5699530/
Website: www.ups.com/smallbusiness